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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

SEO Basics - Learn Why Page Rank is Important to Your Website.

The most basic of SEO strategies is getting your web site to have a “Google Page Rank” 'Page Rank' is really a score Google gives to a website page that is representative of how important Google thinks the page is on the internet.

When one page links to another one, it is successfully casting a vote for another page. Because the more votes you can get for the page all through the whole web, the greater importance that page must be. That is certainly quite an assumption, don't you think so?

The significance of the page which is casting the vote determines how important the vote itself really is, meaning in Google calculations of a page's importance originates from the votes cast for it. These votes are then taken into consideration once the page is ranked.

To see how your SEO efforts are doing most of the time you can check your, Google Page Rank in conjunction with Alexa ratings. These numbers will give you a fairly good idea of how your SEO is progressing. Granted, the ranking for which you can be found in the recent results for your most critical key terms or key words is a real indicator, but a solid Google Rank can help to boost this position significantly. Keep in mind that the more links you have pointing at your website, the better off you are. This is a basic rule that should apply throughout your SEO operations.

Page ranking is very important because it's probably the most critical factor that determines a page's ranking in Google's listings. To have good Ranking, you had better make sure people are linking to your site. Now having said all that, don't try to get your site linked from all over the place you can, because Google doesn't count every link as important or significant. They filter out links from known 'link farms' (sites which are just big lists of links), and being linked with or from this type of sites will get you penalized by Google.

They also implemented a different relevance calculator that (in keeping with its name) tries to ascertain how relevant the hyperlinks into and out of your website are. The most crucial factor at this point is that Google considers longer lasting links as more meaningful when compared to a recently published link.

To increase your webpage rank is to contact people with relevant and complementary content (you don’t want to link to sites that you will be competing with). These links in all likelihood will last and they will not only improve your Google Ranking, they also will provide relevant hits via the hyperlinks themselves.

How does it all work?

Google calculates the Page Rank (PR) of all pages it indexes, taking into consideration every one of the links both to and from each site. Whenever a page 'votes' for other pages by linking to them, it shares out a number of its Page Rank worth between these pages.

This algorithm signifies that a hyperlink to your site coming from a page with;

PR4 (i.e. a Page Rank of 4) and several outbound links will be worth more than a link coming from a page with PR8 and a hundred or so outbound links. It's not only the PR of the page that's important, but additionally the volume of links it's got.

Keep in mind that the more links that are on a page, the less Page ranking value your page receives from their website. It's also wise to remember that it requires progressively more PR to go up a level. It is actually generally speaking, pretty simple to achieve a page Rank of three. When you achieve a Page Rank of four, you will be in a much better position. Increasing past this mark takes a lot of work and definitely will require superb content. Reaching 8 is extremely difficult. These ranks are generally restricted to sites that are crucial to the functionality of the internet.

Any time you get a link, or even a page that links to you adds a link, you are in danger of lowering your PR. Make certain you have as few links as you possibly can, and so do any sites which are connected with you.

Google repeats its Page Rank algorithms frequently at each update, and each time the calculation is made it gets more likely to be accurate. .You should know that the results a search ends up with can really only be worked out by Google and the other search engines, because they're the only ones with access to the whole index on the internet.

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  1. Hi, i am SEO expert. I know the importance of page rank, but your blog has given me some different information. And it has helped me a lot. Thanks for the post
