Web Solutions From Start to Finish

Let us help you develop a competitive online presence. Web Design, Social Media Management, Domain Names, Domain Hosting, Blogs and more.

Monday, August 9, 2010

How to Write Good Email Copy

Chances are, your email sucks!  Seriously. Many people will lead you to believe that "email is dead".  That's just not true. The truth is most people are just writing really weak emails.

Here's how to change that:

When used correctly, email can be one of your most powerful weapons for selling.

The key is to do it right.

This will show you how:



P.S  Getting people to "click" is a skill and you'll find out exactly how to develop that skill in this video:
A little humor here.-Image via Wikipedia

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Monday, August 2, 2010

DEADLINE: Perpetual Launch CLOSING at Midnight

I just got word from Ryan Deiss that he is closing
Perpetual Traffic Formula at midnight tonight.

Here is your FINAL link to get in below:
Perpetual Traffic Formula

You’ll notice Ryan has added a last minute payment
option that gets you started with PTF for just $397.

Ryan is closing PTF because classes also start tonight
for those who got in.

I know he wants to place 100% of his focus
on the delivery of the training, the system and real
hand holding support.

I suggest you grab Perpetual Traffic Formula while
you can, Ryan’s last big training has been off the market
for over a year, so you may not get a second chance.

Good Luck,
- Kay Heffernan

Remember this is your final link below:
Perpetual Traffic - Click Here Now

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Don't Wait! "Perpetual Traffic" is Open Now

The sooner you see this the better:
Perpetual Traffic

Ryan’s reports and software have taught us all these FACTS:

1. Free Traffic RULES and is easier to get than ever.
Because of Googles new “Caffeine” update, the little
guy really has a shot again.

2. Paid traffic is harder than free and it’s dwindling.
Even Google admits that, at least 15% a year and
dropping fast.

3. There is a proven system for getting all the free
traffic you want and once you know that formula you
will be firmly in control.

And now you can get first-hand coaching directly from
the man who created the system!

But Ryan has VERY limited space available, so watch
this now and move quickly.

Perpetual Traffic

- Kay Heffernan

Saturday, July 24, 2010

FREE Traffic From The Government

Obama, Bush Who Cares… I want TRAFFIC!

What if the government would send traffic or at least TONS of link
juice to your websites.

They will, but you have to know where to look and what to ask. Here is
a list of the “Authority Codes”.

Grab a copy of the list FREE:

.EDU and .GOV links on super popular and respected sites are usually
seen as IMPOSSIBLE to get until now –

With the Authority Codes it’s easy and the codes are FREE so don’t
wait a second. Do it now…

Just one of these powerful links could move your site on Google, Yahoo
or Bing by as much as 100 positions OVERNIGHT!

Free List

Enjoy and share your results,

- Kay Heffernan

P.S. The average site in the #1 position at Google only has a handful
of .edu and .gov links. Tha’s all it takes.

P.P.S. One .GOV or .EDU link can be more powerful than 1000 social
media or blog comment links at skyrocketing your site. This is a big
piece of the traffic puzzle..

Grab this FREE list right now

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

SEO Basics - Learn Why Page Rank is Important to Your Website.

The most basic of SEO strategies is getting your web site to have a “Google Page Rank” 'Page Rank' is really a score Google gives to a website page that is representative of how important Google thinks the page is on the internet.

When one page links to another one, it is successfully casting a vote for another page. Because the more votes you can get for the page all through the whole web, the greater importance that page must be. That is certainly quite an assumption, don't you think so?

The significance of the page which is casting the vote determines how important the vote itself really is, meaning in Google calculations of a page's importance originates from the votes cast for it. These votes are then taken into consideration once the page is ranked.

To see how your SEO efforts are doing most of the time you can check your, Google Page Rank in conjunction with Alexa ratings. These numbers will give you a fairly good idea of how your SEO is progressing. Granted, the ranking for which you can be found in the recent results for your most critical key terms or key words is a real indicator, but a solid Google Rank can help to boost this position significantly. Keep in mind that the more links you have pointing at your website, the better off you are. This is a basic rule that should apply throughout your SEO operations.

Page ranking is very important because it's probably the most critical factor that determines a page's ranking in Google's listings. To have good Ranking, you had better make sure people are linking to your site. Now having said all that, don't try to get your site linked from all over the place you can, because Google doesn't count every link as important or significant. They filter out links from known 'link farms' (sites which are just big lists of links), and being linked with or from this type of sites will get you penalized by Google.

They also implemented a different relevance calculator that (in keeping with its name) tries to ascertain how relevant the hyperlinks into and out of your website are. The most crucial factor at this point is that Google considers longer lasting links as more meaningful when compared to a recently published link.

To increase your webpage rank is to contact people with relevant and complementary content (you don’t want to link to sites that you will be competing with). These links in all likelihood will last and they will not only improve your Google Ranking, they also will provide relevant hits via the hyperlinks themselves.

How does it all work?

Google calculates the Page Rank (PR) of all pages it indexes, taking into consideration every one of the links both to and from each site. Whenever a page 'votes' for other pages by linking to them, it shares out a number of its Page Rank worth between these pages.

This algorithm signifies that a hyperlink to your site coming from a page with;

PR4 (i.e. a Page Rank of 4) and several outbound links will be worth more than a link coming from a page with PR8 and a hundred or so outbound links. It's not only the PR of the page that's important, but additionally the volume of links it's got.

Keep in mind that the more links that are on a page, the less Page ranking value your page receives from their website. It's also wise to remember that it requires progressively more PR to go up a level. It is actually generally speaking, pretty simple to achieve a page Rank of three. When you achieve a Page Rank of four, you will be in a much better position. Increasing past this mark takes a lot of work and definitely will require superb content. Reaching 8 is extremely difficult. These ranks are generally restricted to sites that are crucial to the functionality of the internet.

Any time you get a link, or even a page that links to you adds a link, you are in danger of lowering your PR. Make certain you have as few links as you possibly can, and so do any sites which are connected with you.

Google repeats its Page Rank algorithms frequently at each update, and each time the calculation is made it gets more likely to be accurate. .You should know that the results a search ends up with can really only be worked out by Google and the other search engines, because they're the only ones with access to the whole index on the internet.

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Monday, July 12, 2010

Interesting Marketing Story

Hey, here is an interesting Marketing story.
Initially he was angry...

He just received a $500 bill from a plumber
and the plumber was in his home for less than
10 minutes.

That's when he questioned the plumber...

"How can you charge $500 for less than 10
minutes of work when all you did was bang a
couple pipes?"

The plumber's response was simple...

"Well sir, it's $5 for the 10 minutes I was
here and $495 for knowing exactly where to
bang the pipe!"

The lesson is simple...

The difference between failure and success is
sometimes very small.

However, knowing exactly what to tweak can be
the difference between making a few hundred
dollars or a few thousand dollars.

Here's a few real-world examples:

Persuasion X

When you click that link, you'll find a
detailed video presentation where you'll hear
how a few simple (but very powerful) persuasion
techniques can very quickly translate into
thousands of extra sales.

Little tweaks... big returns.

It's about knowing "what" to tweak in your
sales presentation and how to tweak it to
get the absolute best result.

Some of the stories you'll hear about
are fascinating...

All they did was tweak a few minor things but
the results were dramatic...

One person went from selling zero one week to
$82,000 the next.

Another person averaged over $250,000 from each
of his next 5 presentations.

One student did over $500,000 in one of his very
next sales presentations using these "tweaks".

Please understand something...

These aren't major changes to the content of
their presentation.

They are subtle selling techniques that have
an enormous difference to your bottom line.

In fact, after this training, countless students
are now averaging over 20% in their closing ratio.

Persuasion X

If you have ever wanted to sell more of your
products and services then you need to go
watch this video as soon as possible.

I know you'll enjoy it.

Take care.

P.S Click on the link below right now
because the seminar offer expires soon.

Persuasion X
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Friday, July 9, 2010

Top Internet Marketer Paying For Hotel Rooms

I just found out that there are some dynamite bonuses included in this but before I share "what" they are, just know this...

If you want to sell more either in person, on a teleseminar or through a webinar...

Then watch this video:



It's a dynamite training showing you high level closing techniques that work like crazy.

You'll discover proprietary closing

techniques that have been responsible for selling millions from stage.

(he once sold $995,000 in 90 minutes!).

You'll find out how - watch this video:


Then, register for the training and your hotel room will be included (limited).

Plus, he's also including a $1997 bonus.

All the details are shared here:



Kay at Allamakee Web Solutions

P.S The hotel room and bonuses are limited to a small number of people who register early. Make sure you get them here:


P.S.S This guy is for real, I have attended many of his events and I am always able to earn more from the information than I spent!




[NOTE: I am a compensated affiliate for the Armand Morin Network]